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年度 最佳論文獎
姓名 翁振勛
年級 已畢業學長
組別 乙組、生物標記篩選與疾病檢測
    道明高中 台灣大學土木工程學系畢 成功大學工程科所碩士班畢 成功大學工程科所博士班畢
    台大88級土木系學會會長 九十五學年斐陶斐榮譽會員 成功大學工程科所博士後研究 成功大學微生物免疫所博士後研究
    期刊論文 : Accepted papers: 1. Chen-Hsun Weng, Wei-Ming Yeh, Kuo-Chuan Ho and Gwo-Bin Lee, “A Microfluidic System Utilizing Molecular Imprinting Polymer Films for Amperometric Detection of Morphine,” in press, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2006. (SCI; Impact factor=2.646) 2. Wei-Yin Liao, Chen-Hsun Weng, Gwo-Bin Lee and Tse-Chuan Chou,” An All- Solid-State Potentiometric Sensor Array Microfluidic Device for the Analysis of Multiple Ions,” in press, Lab on a chip, 2006. (SCI; Impact factor=5.3) 3.Chen-Hsun Weng, Chih-Chia Huang, Chen-Sheng Yeh, Huan-Yao Leiand Gwo-Bin Lee,"Synthesis of hexagonal gold nanoparticles using a microfluidic reaction system" in press, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 2008.(SCI Impact factor=2.321) 4.Wen-Bin Lee, Chen-Hsun Weng, Fong-Yu Cheng, Chen-Sheng Yeh, Huan-Yao Lei and Gwo-Bin Lee, „Synthesis of Iron oxide Nanoparticles Using a Microfluidic System, Biomedical Microdevices, in press, 2008 (SCI; IF=3.073) 5. Chen-Hsun Weng, Chih-Chia Huang, Chen-Sheng Yeh, Huan-Yao Lei and Gwo-Bin Lee"Synthesis of hollow, magnetic Fe/Ga-based oxide nanospheres by using a bubble templating method in a microfluidic system",Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, accepted 2009(SCI; Impact factor= 2.241) 6.Chen-Hsun Weng, Kang-Yi Lien, Sung-Yi Yang and Gwo-Bin Lee, “A suction-type, pneumatic microfluidic device for liquid transport and mixing,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, in press, 2010 (SCI; Impact factor=3.286) 3/56=5.4% (INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Corresponding author). 7.Chen-Hsun Weng, Tze-Bin Huang, Chih-Chia Huang, Chen-Sheng Yeh, Huan-Yao Lei and Gwo-Bin Lee,” A suction-type microfluidic immunosensing chip for rapid detection of the dengue virus.” Biomedical Microdevices,Volume 13, Number 3, 585-595, DOI: 10.1007/s10544-011-9529-3,2011. 國際會議論文: Accepted conference papers : 1. Wei-Yin Liao, Chen-Husn Weng, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Tse-Chuan Chou " All-Solid-State Potentiometric Sensors Array for Multiple Ions Analysis in Microfluidic Devices" accepted for publishing, 2006 The 2nd International Meeting on Microsensors and Microsystems (IMu2). 2. Wei-Ming Yeh, Chen-Hsun Weng, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Kuo-Chuan Ho,"Integrating a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Modified Electrode and a Pre-Separator in a Microfluidic System for Detection of Morphine" accepted for publishing, 2006 IMu2. 3. Chen-Hsun Weng, Wei-Yin Liao, Tse-Chuan Chou and Gwo-Bin Lee,” Multiple Electrochemical Sensing Systems Using Microfludic Technology,” accepted for publishing, 2006 The Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT). 4. Chen-Hsun Weng, Cheng-Tar Wu, Kuo-Chuan Ho and Gwo-Bin Lee, “ Integrating a Molecularly Imprinted TiO2 Modified Microelectrode in a Microfluidic System for Detection of Nicotine” accepted for publishing the 10th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2006. 5.Chen-Hsun Weng, Chih-Chia Huang, Chen-Sheng Yeh and Gwo-Bin Lee, “Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Microfluidic Reaction Systems,” IEEE NANO 2007, HK 全文連結: http://0rz.tw/c35ch 6.Chen-Hsun Weng, Chih-Chia Huang, Chen-Sheng Yeh and Gwo-Bin Lee,"Using Micro-reactors to Synthesize Solid and Hollow Alloy FeGa2O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles" IEEE NEMS 2009 8. C. H. Weng, T. B. Huang, C. C. Huang, C. S. Yeh, H. Y. Lei and G. B. Lee“Suction-type Microfluidic Immunosensing Systems for Rapid Detection of Dengue Fever” Micro-TAS 2010 9. Chunmei Huang, Takahiro Saeki, Masayuki Endo, Hiroshi Sugiyama, Chen-Hsun Weng, Gwo-Bin Lee, Koji Sugano, Toshiyuki Tsuchiya “Configurable Assembly of DNA origami on MEMS by Microfluidic Device”IEEE NEMS 2011 10. Sung-Yi Yang, Chen-Hsun Weng and Gwo-Bin Lee “A Suction-type, Pneumatic Microfluidic Device for Rapid DNA Extraction” IEEE NEMS 2011 國內會議論文 1.Chen-Hsun Weng, Wei-Yin Liao, Tse-Chuan Chou, Cheng-Tar Wu, Kuo-Chuan Ho and Gwo-Bin Lee, “Multiple Electrochemical Systems Using Microfluidic Technology for Detecting Bio-indicators and Nicotine,” The 23rd Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dec., 2006 2.翁振勛、李文斌、鄭豐裕、葉晨聖、李國賓" 可合成氧化鐵奈米粒子之微流體晶片系統" The 11th Nano Engineering and Microsystem Technology Technology Conference,Aug. 30-31, 2007 3.黃則斌, 翁振勛, 黃志嘉, 葉晨聖, 黎煥耀 , 李國賓 ”吸取式微流體晶片系統應用於登革熱病毒之快速檢測” Rapid Detection of Dengue Fever Infection by using Suction-Type Microfluidic Immunosensing System 2010生物醫學工程科技研討會
    1.95 科林科技論文獎 生物醫學科技類 碩士獎 2.成功大學育成中心校園創業競賽活動「微流體晶片系統應用於快速疾病診斷」組獲得銅牌獎 3.. 2010年國際大學生物聯網創新創業大賽暨第四屆美新杯MEMS傳感器應用大賽 中國總決賽 優勝獎 作品單位 成功大學 作品成員 楊松益,翁振勛;指導老師 李國賓 教授 4. 2010生物醫工年會學生競賽壁報組優等獎,黃則斌, 翁振勛, 黃志嘉, 葉晨聖, 黎煥耀 ,李國賓
    專利 1. 李國賓,翁振勛,葉晨聖 ”雙向環狀微流體混合晶片” 336686,台灣.2011.02-2027.12 2.“微流體晶片,” 李國賓、楊松益、連剛逸、翁振勛, filing date: 2009/10/30 with a filing number 98136932. 3.“Microfluidic Biochip,” 李國賓、楊松益、連剛逸、翁振勛, filing date: 2010/06/07 with a filing number 12/795,445 4."篩選細胞適合體之微流體晶片裝置及其方法"翁振勛,李國賓,陳玉鈴,謝淑珠,filing date: 2011/12/21 with a filing number 100147640.
題目 生物電化學感測器,奈米合成晶片平台
共同指導生 原先的老師