姓名 |
郭如男(共同指導) |
年級 |
組別 |
丙組、光學微機電 |
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傳真 |
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學歷 |
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專長及研究領域 |
榮譽及獎勵 |
專利 |
1. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen-Fung Pan, “Surface-Micromachined Optical Interferometry System Utilizing Three-Dimensional Micromirrors and Microgratings,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2005. accepted (SCI; Impact factor= 1.171)
2. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen-Fung Pan, Huei-Huang Lee, “Shape and thermal effects of metal films on stress-induced bending of micromachined bilayer cantilever,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2005. in press (SCI; Impact factor= 1.171)
3. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen-Fung Pan, “Projection Display Technique Utilizing Three-Color-Mixing Waveguides and Micro Scanning Devices,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 217-219, Jan. 2005. (SCI; Impact factor= 2.258)
4. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen-Fung Pan, “A High-Speed Low-Voltage Double-Switch Optical Crossconnect Using Stress-Induced Bending Micromirrors,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 2042-44, Sept. 2004. (SCI; Impact factor= 2.258)
5. 徐建民,郭如男和潘文峰,〞316L不銹鋼管在循環彎曲負載下力學行為及皺曲損壞之實驗分析〞, Journal of Technology, 2004. (in press)
6. K.L. Lee, W.F. Pan and J.N. Kuo,“The Influence of the Diameter-to-Thickness Ratio of the Stability of Circular Tubes under Cyclic Bending,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 38, pp. 2401-2413, 2001. (SCI; Impact factor= 1.327)
Submitted paper
1. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen-Fung Pan, and Huei-Huang Lee, “Three-Dimensional Optical Focusing Systems Utilizing Stress-Induced Bending of Concave Micromirrors,” Submitted to Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2005. (SCI; Impact factor= 1.171)
2. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen-Fung Pan, “A High Performance Stress-Induced Micromachined Optical Switch with a Multi-Switching Function Using a Seesaw Structure,” Submitted to IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2004. (SCI; Impact factor= 0.716)
1. Ju-Nan Kuo, Wen-Fung Pan, and Chien-Min Hsu , “Cyclic Bending of 316L Stainless Steel Tubes,” The 2nd International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS'04), Seoul Korea, Sept. 2004.
2. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen-Fung Pan , “Stress-Induced Bending of Micromachined Bilayer Cantilever and Its Optical Application,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2004), Shenyang China, Aug. 2004.
3. Ju-Nan Kuo, Gwo-Bin Lee, and Wen-Fung Pan , “A High Performance Optical Crossconnect Using Stress-Induced Bending of Micromachined Bilayer Cantilevers,” The 28th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taipei Taiwan, December 2004. (學生論文競賽第三名)
4. 鍾誠錚,李國賓,李輝煌和郭如男,〞新式微凹面鏡元件及其在三維光學系統之應用〞,第二十一屆中國機械工程學術研討會,台灣高雄,中華民國,十一月,2004。
5. 李國龍,潘文峰和郭如男,〞不同外徑圓管在循環彎曲負荷下穩定性之研究〞,第十六屆中國機械工程學術研討會,台灣新竹,中華民國,十二月,1999,pp. 253-259。
1. “平面波導及投影顯示裝置,” 發明人:李國賓,郭如男, patent filed on 2004/8/17 with a patent filing No. 93124666。
題目 |
微光學系統相關領域 |
原先的老師 |