姓名 |
邱祈翰 |
年級 |
組別 |
丁組、奈米生物 |
電話 |
傳真 |
電子信箱 |
個人網頁 |
學歷 |
中 學:黎明中學 民國78年9月至84年6月
大 學:交通大學機械工程學系 民國84年9月至88年6月
碩士班:交通大學機械工程研究所 民國88年9月至90年6月
經歷 |
交通大學攝影社器材長 民國85年9月至86年6月
交大-竹師-靜宜竹湖攝影營執行長 民國86年3月至86年9月
交通大學機械系B班副班代 民國86年9月至87年2月
交通大學畢聯會編輯 民國87年9月至88年6月
交通大學學生會學術部長 民國88年6月至89年5月
專長及研究領域 |
榮譽及獎勵 |
專利 |
A. Journal Paper
1. Chi-Han Chiou, Gwo-Bin Lee, Hui-Ting Hsu, Pang-Wei Chen, Pao-Chi Liao, "Micro Devices Integrated with Microchannels and Electrospray Nozzles using PDMS Casting Techniques", Sensors and Actuators B, Vol. 86, pp. 280-286, 2002 (EI, SCI; Impact factor=1.572).
2. Chi-Han Chiou, Gwo-Bin Lee, "Minimal Dead-Volume Connectors for Microfluidics Using PDMS Casting Techniques", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 14, pp. 1484-1490, 2004. (EI, SCI; Impact factor=1.755)
3. Chi-Han Chiou, Gwo-Bin Lee, "A Micromachined DNA Manipulation Platform for the Stretching and Rotation of a Single DNA Molecule", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 15, pp. 109-117, 2005. (EI, SCI; Impact factor=1.755)
4. Chi-Han Chiou, Shang-Jen Chang, Gwo-Bin Lee, Huei-Huang Lee. "New Fabrication Process of Monolithic Probes with Integrated Heaters for Nano-thermal Machining", submitted to the Microsystem Technologies.
B. Conference Paper
1. Chi-Han Chiou, Gwo-Bin Lee, "Magnetic Tweezers for Manipulation of Single DNA Molecule", The 7th Nano Engineering and Micro System Technology Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-21, 2003.
2. Shang-Ren Chang, Chi-Han Chiou, Huei-Huang Lee, Gwo-Bin Lee "Design and Fabrication of a Micro/Nano Probe and Its Characterization by AFM", The 27th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tainan, Taiwan, December 12-13, 2003.
3. Chi-Han Chiou, Zhao-Fu Tseng, Gwo-Bin Lee, "A Novel Magnetic Tweezers for Manipulation of Single DNA Molecule", IEEE MEMS 2004, Maastricht, The Netherlands, January 25-29, 2004.
4. Chi-Han Chiou, Gwo-Bin Lee, "Stretching and Rotation of a Single DNA Molecule Using a Micromachine-based Magnetic Manipulator", The 11th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2004), Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 11-13, 2004.
5. Chi-Han Chiou, Gwo-Bin Lee, " Single DNA Molecule Manipulation Using a Micro-Magnetic Platform ", Taiwan International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (TICON 2004), Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 30-July 3, 2004.
6. Chi-Han Chiou, Shang-Jen Chang, Gwo-Bin Lee, Huei-Huang Lee, " New Fabrication Process of Monolithic Probes with Integrated Heaters for Nano-thermo-mechanical Writing ", The 4th Conference on Precision Machinery Manufacturing (SME 2004), Taipei, Taiwan, November 13, 2004. 2004
7. Meng-Han Chiang, Yu-Yen Huang, Chi-Han Chiou, Huei-Huang Lee, Gwo-Bin Lee, " A New Micromachine-based Magnetic Tweezers for Manipulation of DNA Molecules ", The 1st International Conference on Bio-Nano-Informatics (BNI) Fusion, California, USA, July 20-22, 2005
C. Patent
1. “一種極少滯留體積微型連接器之製作方法”,patent filed on March 10, 2004 with filing number 93106310,中華民國 ROC IPO,發明人:李國賓、邱祈翰。
題目 |
新型DNA操縱平台之研究 |
原先的老師 |