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(2024-01-04 Updated)
Chia-Hwa Lee, Gwo-Bin Vincent Lee, Gou-Jen Wang, and Fuh-Jyh Jan, ”Development of Novel Techniques to Detect Orchid Viruses” “Orchid Biotechnology IV,” pp. 207-218, edited by Wen-Huei Chen, 2021.
Fei Fei Wang, Sam Lai, Lianqing Liu, Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen Jung Li, ”Micro and Nano Manipulation and Assembly by Optically Induced Electrokinetics” ” Micro‐ and Nanomanipulation Tools ,” pp. 41-74, edited by Yu Sun, Xinyu Liu, 2015.
Yen-Heng Lin and Gwo-Bin Lee, ”Optically-assisted and dielectrophoretical manipulation of cells and molecules on microfluidic platforms” A contributed chapter to the book “Micro- and Nanomanipulation Tools (AMN Series Vol. 14), edited by Sun and Liu, (Corresponding author). 2015.
Chun-Wei Huang and Gwo-Bin Lee, ”Micro/nano technologies and their biological and medical applications,” A contributed chapter to the book “Microsystems and Nanotechnologies” edited by Z. Zhou (Corresponding author). 2010.
Fu-Chun Huang and Gwo-Bin Lee, ”An Integrated Microsystem for Nucleic Acid Amplification: On-chip Electrophoresis Separation and On-line Optical Detection,” A contributed chapter to the book “Microfluidics in the analysis of nucleic acids” edited by Dennis J. O’Kane (Corresponding author). 2010.
Kang-Yi Lien, Huan-Yao Lei and Gwo-Bin Lee, ”Dengue Detection Chips,” A contributed chapter to the book “Dengue Disease” edited by Huan-Yao Lei (Corresponding author).2008.
Sung-Yi Yang and Gwo-Bin Lee, ”Microfabricated Flow Cytometers for Bacterial Detection,” A contributed chapter to the book “Handbook of Biosensors, recognition elements and microsystems for bacterial detection” edited by Dr. Zourob et al. (Corresponding author). 2007
Chi-Han Chiou and Gwo-Bin Lee, ”Single DNA Manipulation Techniques,” Invited chapter in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, edited by H. S. Nalwa, AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS, 2006 (Corresponding author).
Chien-Chung Wu, Gwo-Bin Lee, ”Oxygen Gas Sensors,” Invited chapter in Encyclopedia of Sensors, edited by C. A. Grimes, E. C. Dickey and M. V. Pishko, pp. 315-330, AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS, 2006, ISBN:1-58883-056-X (Corresponding author).
李國賓, ”生物微機電系統,” 微機電系統技術與應用, 行政院國家科學委員會精密儀器發展中心, 2003.
李國賓, 林彥亨, ”應用MCNC製程製作微光學致動器之研究分析,” 結案報告,成功大學,1999.
李國賓, 林育弘, ”新式微流速感測器之研發,” 國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究成果報告,NSC89-2815-C-006-041-E, 2000.
李國賓, ”航空應用的微型磁性致動器之研究分析,” 國科會研究成果報告 NSC88-2612-E-006-006,1999.
李國賓, ”微流量感測器應用於生物醫學領域之調查分析,” 國科會工程科技推展中心產學合作研究計畫調查報告, 1999.
李國賓, ”利用入射噴流規則搖擺運動之新型微流量感測器研發,” 國科會研究成果報告NSC 89-2212-E-006-029, 2000.
李國賓, ”扭轉式微光學開關之製作研究,” 工研院計畫成果報告, 2000.
李國賓,張家昇,林中源, ”應用於質譜分析的微型噴霧器之研發,” 國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究成果報告,NSC89-2815-C-006-099R-E, 2001.
李國賓, ”連續式進料及分離之微流體體晶片研發,” 國科會研究成果報告NSC 89-2218-E-006-071, 2001.
李國賓, ”應用於蛋白質分析之高效率多管道微流體晶片製作(I),” 國科會研究成果報告NSC 89-2323-B-006-009, 2001.
李國賓, ”應用於蛋白質分析之高效率多管道微流體晶片製作(II),” 國科會研究成果報告NSC 90-2323-B-006-011, 2002.
李國賓, ”應用於蛋白質分析之高效率多管道微流體晶片製作(III),” 國科會研究成果報告91-2323-B-006-005- 2003
李國賓, ”微量殘留農藥偵測及微量樣品處理晶片之研發,” 國科會研究成果報告NSC NSC 90-2218-E-006-038, 2002.
李國賓, ”高精度微小型傾斜感測器之研究,” 國科會研究成果報告 NSC 91-2622 - E -006-040- CC3, 2003.
李國賓, ”微型DNA操縱平台之研發(I),” 國科會研究成果報告 91-2218-E-006-013-, 2003
李國賓, ”細菌感染性疾病DNA快速檢測晶片之研發(I),” 基因體醫學國家型科技計畫, NSC 92-3112-B-006-004, 2004.
李國賓, ”『晶片式微流體粒子計數/分類及分析之裝置及其製造方法』” ,第39期,92年9月,知識創新
李國賓, ”自動化生物檢測晶片之研發” 國科會研究成果報告 NSC 93 -2622- E -006-030-CC3.
No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, R.O.C.
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering National Tsing Hua University
Microfluidic Biochips Lab
TEL:+886-3-5175131 ext.33765, +886-3-5742834 FAX:+886-3-5722840